Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Kevin's Connection
I can connect to John Henry because I accomplished a video game. It was a really hard game, but I beat it. This is like the story because John Henry beat the steam drill and I beat the game.
Kendras Connection.
I can connect to John Henry because Abbi and I had a race down the hill and I thought I would lose but the I thought
Marcus' Connection
I can connect to John Henry because I watched the movie Paul Bunyan. A machine came that was like a tree cutter and it had twice as much power as a man. Paul Bunyan challenged the wood cutter. This is like the story because they both challenge a machine.
Jassmine-How I Can Relate To John Henry
I can relate to John Henry because I have heard a song that sort of related to him because it says: I've been working on the railroad all the live long day I've been working on the railroad just to pass the time away.I think that relates to the story because John Henry was working on the railroad. Love Jassmine
Branden's Connection
My grandpa used to work on the railroad and he used to fix things when they were broken. He put the bolts in the ground and helped the train to turn. He retired from the railroad, but sometimes he still works there. |
kayla d.'s connection
I can connect with John Henry the story because last week me and my friend had a race and I thought I would loose but I won because I belived in myself.This connects to the story John Henry because in the story John raced a machine and he won because he also belived in his self.
Bailie's Connection
My connection to the story is one time i was racing my sister and she was ahead of me and i got past her.This is like the story because the steam drill was ahead of him then he past it.
Bethany's connection to John Henry
I can connect to the story because we saw a movie .It was just like the story it was called John Henry.He challenged a steam drill.Also he helped he helped the workers.
J.T.'s connection to John Henry
I can connect to John Henry because I have read the story Paul Bunyan. This connects to John Henry because they were both strong.
kim,s connection
I can connection to the story. because in a movie I saw was just like the story. And in the movie there was a baby that was very big and the baby like to do the thing john Henry did. The baby got bigger and he got so big that he went to find his owe home. And got marry had a kid. So that why I made a connection.
dylan's way to relaet to john henry
i read a book about john henry that reminds me of my friend he was a railroad worker he got to use a big hammer like john henry's hammer it was cool looken and heavey too.
Kiliegh's connection to John Henry
I can connect to John Henry because when I help my dad in his workshop and we got hammers and nails an we always build fences together and that can relate to John Henry because John Henry used hammers and nails to build a railroad track.
i can relate to john henry
I can relate to john henry becouse i saw a movie like it and a kid wanted to change the world but he never did then one day he did
Steven's connection
I can connect to John Henry because my dad drives a train at Prairie Land Heritage Museum which relates to the story because John Henry works for a railroad track and my dad has to fix the track sometimes. |
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
I can relate to John Henry, because the book Hercules. Hercules is like John Henry , because Hercules and John Henry are both very strong.
Shelbe Housman
I feel i can relate to John Henry, when i work in the garage with my dad. We set a task and we work until we succeed. We use hammers and nails to build bird houses. This relates to John Henry, because he sets himself a task and works to achieve the job. He also works with hammer and nails on the railroad.
John Henry
My connection with John Henry is at my old school I had to build a Indian home. This connets to John Henry because he bilt a rail road.
brianna's connection
I can connect to John Henry because my dad has a friend that works on railroads just like John Henry did.
I can relate to John Henry because of my dad.He builds railroads just like John Henry.
justin's connection
I can conect to John Henry because i read a book about a black slave that worked so hard and died,so this book relates to John Henry because the black slave and John Henry worked so hard they died.
Taylors Connection To John Henry
My dad is strong just like John Henry. The movie Hercules is like John Henry because he is very big and strong. This is not about someone I know, but like our soldiers they gave their lives to fight for what is right, and to one day succeed just like John Henry did. *****
Hallie's connections
I can connect to John Henry because I like to hammer nails into pieces of wood when I make things and when I help my dad.John Henry also likes to hammer things into wood when he makes a railroad track.I can also connect by being helpful just like John Henry
Noah Connection
I can connect to John Henry because I like to sing when I do things.This is like the story because John liked to sing when he hammered on things.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Taijia's Connections About John Henry
I can connect to John Henry because in the movie The Wizard Of Oz Dorthy couldn't get to Kansas because she couldn't get a ride so the wizard helped her get there.And in john Henry he couldn't stop working so finally his heart gave out on him so he couldn't work anymore.
blair's connection to John Henry
I can make a connection to John Henry because he was nice and friendly to people like me . He built the railroad that provides food and supplies to me.
Sandra's connection to John Henry
I can connect to John Henry because in the book John Henry there are rail road tracks.I can connect this to myself. In Roodhouse and White Hall there are train tracks. Another reason is John Henry belived that he was a good man and anyone person can belive that they are a good person.
Lynzee's Connection
I can connect to John Henry because in the story he had a hammer and hammered a stake. One time at my dad's job site I had a hammer and I hammered a nail.
jacob dawdys connection
I connect to Jhon Henry because I have seen a movie. The movie is called Paul Bunyan. This is connected to Jhon Henrybecause he faces a machine and beats it.
Tristen's Connection
I can connect to John Henry because one time Jordan and I were racing on our bikes and he was ahead of me and at the end I won. This is like the story John Henry because he raced the steam drill.
Chanse's Connection
I can connect to John Henry because he succeeded by working with his hammers. I use hammers to bend nails down and hammer them. I also get supplies to build forts and use my hammer. This is like John Henry because he used his hammers to build a railroad and I also use my hammers to build things.
makaylas connection to John Henry
I was successful when I was. I was playing a games whith my dad and mom they are good pliyers.
Vivica Connection
I can connect to this story because my grandpap use to use hammer.He use to work on railroad and fix house that how I can connect.
joshs connection
I can realate to john henry because it is like the final storm because they both smash rocks. I can relate to the movie because I seen another non fiction movie
Landen's connection
I can connect to John Henry because I watched a move that was called Paul Bunyan. They are alike because they are both tall and they both vs a big machine!!!!!!!!!!
Gwen's connection
I can connect to John Henry because he is a hard worker and I am too.No.Yes,John Henry fixed a railroad and i had to fix my roof.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
How abbi can relate to John H.
I can relate to John H. because we all thought that that we can do something.A different movie or book is tomes the train.He thought he could go up the hill and he did.John H. said he would beet the steam train and he did. Thats how i can relate to John H.
jaiden's conneton to john henry
I connote to John Henry because i helped my grandpa build a bird house.I read Paul B. because he cut down trees like john.So that's how i connote to John Henry.Paul and John are both very Strong
Friday, November 20, 2009
How Kaylee Can Relate to the Story
I can relate to this story because I've read a book about Paul Bunyan.he reminds me of John Henry because Paul built the Mississippi river and John raced and did very hard tasks.They are alike also because the are both fairy tales.they are also alike because they are big men and very tough. That is how I relate to the story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maggie's connection of john henry
i can relate because he was really strong and he never gives up and in softball i never gave up.
jaiden's connection to john henry
I connet to john henry because i helped my grandpa build a bird house.I saw a movie twlight where jake helped ela back to her dad's house .
things that dont revolve around john henery
there are no such things as unicorns rainbows dont rap around you.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Relating to John Henry
Henry by thinking of Paul Bunyan.He reminds me of John Henry because he was big and tall,anI can relate to John chopped down tree's the only different is John worked on a railroad and Paul worked with trees !!!!!
Brittany connetions to John Henry
I can connect this to a time when my roof need fix.My uncle Paul came to fix it.This is like John Henry because he liked to fixs things and chop down things.
Gavins conetion with john henry
I connect to the story because my dad thinks that machines should never take a mans job.
Hayley's conneting about John Henry
I could connect John Henry to my brother because he is strong like john Henry because he is in sports and he lifts weights every day. so that is how I can connect to John Henry.
ray connting about john henry
I can conect to john by strength because my oncle bud is strong and he helped build fiencis and that is lik john because he helped build railroads.
Dalton`s connection about John Henry
I can connect to John Henry because my dad carries around a big hammer and likes to use it.My dad also is big and strong he lifts weights every night. Thats how I can connect to John Henry.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Charles connetion to John Henry
I can relate to John Henry because he was strong and he did not let anyone stop him from doing what he wanted.Just like in football when I'm running the ball I try my hardest just like him.I sometimes succeed but not every time because no one can be exactly like him.
Lynda's connection from the Book John Henry!
I can relate to the story because ,like John Henry he put a lot of work toward winning the race and building a rail road track for the people,and how I can relate to that is when I had to say the preamble to MR.KNOX I studied really hard and I got 100%A+. I also studied for science test and got a C-.And I studied for the social studies test,But I forgot 13 for the capitals but thats okay because what really matters is that I studied for the tests.Don't you think so?
sarah connection
I can relate to this story because I help my dad fix the porch ccause wood fill and I help him hammer the nils in so it would not fall again. I watched a movie called twilight when Jacob had a ax and cut down two trees so he could have some cut trees so he could use them for fire.
I can relate to this story because I have seen the movie called Paul Bunyan. In Paul B. there was a baby the size of a small house, and the people in the town had to build Paul a giant cradle and had to make giant baby clothes. When he got older he got a giant ox named babe. Paul would chop anything he could chop. This related to the story because John would chop anything too.
kayla g connection
I had this connection because I was watching a show and this one guy had these hamers and stared to go throw this bolders and he had freedom.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Maggie's fellings about should school days be longer
No i think because we would get home at night and we would not get very much sleep and we would be cranky in the morning and techer's would be cranky to.
raymond school days being longer
i thank no because the wold be boring and you would get home at night. we would have more homework and we would not be abale to see aw mom and dad.
scoole days
I think they should not make school day longer because kids get Bord when school days. Pules kids keep looking at the clock and don't pattiton.
justices feelings about scholdays
No. Because i wont have any time to play.The next thing is we wont get to spend a lot of time with my family.finaly we wouldnt get time to do our home work.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
yes I think school days should be longer because parents work and it would be more convenient for them because they could have time to make arrangements for some one to pick them or they could have time to pick them up themselves and also it would give us students extra time in the day so that we could get our school work done at school and not have to worry about bringing it home and risk forgetting it or losing it and if we needed help our teacher would be there to help us some kids do not have parents that will help them I am not one of them but I know kids with that problem and last we would have more time with our friends
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
why school days should stay the same
I think school days should stay the same because if school days were longer then kids would get tired and would not think strate.And when you get home you would not have time to do home work if you had any.And kids would get tired of seeing each other then there would be more fights.
The Great Depression
If I were in the great depression I would have felt sad and maybe a little angree and if they would have taken away my home.My family would have probably felt the way I did.
brianna evans
school days should not be longer because we would not get to play out side and you will not get to see your parents.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
I think we shouldn't have school any longer than we already do. We already don't have enough free time as it is. If we don't get a good grade that is our fault we didn't study.
~madison lea hinegardner
I dont think school days should be longer because they are long enough. No one would have anytime with their family. There wouldnt be enough time to enjoy the sun in the afternoon by the time school was out. No time socialize with friends.
Shelbe Housman
Shelbe Housman
should school days be longer (sandra's post)
No, school days should not be longer. I don't think school days should be longer because the kids that are always busy than they might not have enough time to get all of there stuff done that they need to do and still have time to have fun. Another thing is the longer the school day is the more home work you would have and some kids might have a lot of home work to do already.
I think school days should be longer.They should be longer because if we had more hours in our day then we might get more days out.We have about 8 hours in one school day right,Well if we change 8 to 10 then we might get Friday,Saturday,and Sunday out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
should school days be longer?
I don't think we should have longer school days because our school days are long enough.If we did have longer school days our hands would hurt and we would be piled with work.
should school be longer.
I think that school should be longer becuase you will get more time to study and play with your friends.
I Noah Jones Do Not Want School Days To Be Longer
I do not want school days to be longer because seven hours is a long enough already.It would also take time away from you and your family to be together.
Should School Days Be Longer? By Kendra
Yes. because we would have more time to study,and we would get more time to see our friends.
vivica yes and no question
No because we need days out because our and our body need rest and we need time to spend time with ours family and our family need time to spend time with us to because some family miss they child everyday so that why we should not go to school longs day
jessica's yes or no comet about school
Yes? I think school day's should be loner so we can get all our homework done. Visit with our friends.
Dylan's Thoughts About School
Yes! I think we should have longer days because we would learn more. We would also have longer time to play outside and eat lunch.
Kim's Feelings About Longer Days
No! I don't think we should have longer days because we need a break like everyone else. We learn a lot already. If we had school longer we would be home at nighttime and tired. It would be hard for us to get up for school the next day.
Makayla's Opinion about School
Yes! I think school days should be longer because we can get our work done. We can also learn more.
No Longer School Days
I dont want longer school because we learn to much every day. I use to go to school entil 3;30 that stinked.So I do not want longer school because of that.
Bailie Says No
I think we should not because we should not have to stay longer almost everybody hates school anyway. I bet most people would not come to school.We should not have to go to school because we already have enough time in school anyway.
josh's fellings about school
I think school day should not be longer because there won't be enough time for football. there will not be enough time for basketball. there will not be enough time for any sports after school.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Hallie Coad What i think about,if there should be longer school days
I think we should have longer school days because we could learn more. We could get better grades in all of our subjects.We could finish all our homework in our study hall because it would be longer. Some kids would hate having a longer day but they will figure out that they,re grades will start to get better.Kids that hate school will have to some how learn to deal with having longer school days.
What I think about school days
I think we shouldn't have longer school days because it could be dark when we get home and we could get lost or kidnapped. Also after school we wouldn't have much time for homework or sports. It wouldn't be fun if everything was school school school. It would get pretty boring.
Lynzees opinion
I don't think school days should be longer because we go to school long enough. And I do think we learn enough in a short amount of time. I think school days are fine and iwouldn't want any body to change it.
Should school days be longer?Hayley H
school day should not be longer because then we would have more home work and longer classes. Also we would have less sleep so we would get sleepy in class
should school days be longer?By bethany
No.I think that school days should not be longer.Because we would have to much homework and we would be really bored.If we had a lot of homework we could not go outside and get energy like were supposed to.That's what I think if school days should be longer.
Kiliegh's opinion if school days should be longer
Yes, because when we get done with the end of the year people forget the half of the stuff they learned at the school they just went to. that is why I say yes.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
School days should be longer because it would help people who has problems in school.They would maybe even get a scholarship to a great collage.Other people who has no problems in shool that gets A's and B's will get all A's.
Molly thinks about school days!!!
I think that the school days should be longer because over the summer most kids forget half the stuff they learn.They should help have to go to school 7 houre's so they have fifteen more minutes in each class and period.That i think will kids get into colleges.
shuld school days be longer. By Abbi!!!!
- yes. I think school days well be longer because you can be with friends longer.You can have a longer p.e. School years well be shorter.We will have more time to study so we can get good grads on tests.
School Days
I think that if we have longer school days I might blow up. I wouldn't be able to stand it. Its hard eouph that asoon as I get home I have to start on my homework if I plan on going to the park. Some times if I have a bunch of homework with it getting dark earlyer and earlyer I can't go to the park. So no I think if any thing school days should be shorter.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
what shayla thanks!!!!!!
yes and no. yes becuse you can get more p.e and learn more. no becuse right wen you get home you well have to go to bed and would not be able to play are see your family.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Why Taijia Thinks School Days Should Be Longer
I think school days should be longer because you can get your homework done. Another reason school should be longer is that you will be able to get more education.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
should school days be longer steven
Yes and no. Yes because we could have more activitys such as more P.E. , music , and art. No because some people would have afterschools and be there until 5:00 , some people dislike school , some people like spending more time with family , and people don't like homework and longer school days means more homework.
what charles thinks about school days
Yes I think we should have longer school days because then we will have more time to learn and get everything done.And everyone will get a lot smarter.
charles feelings about the great depression
If I lived during the great depression I would feel kinda mad but mostly sad because I would not have any money or a good place to live.
Gwen's feelings About THe School Day's Being Longer day should not be longer. I feel that we would run out of things to do. like to much school work that we couldn't keep up with every thing.
Dalton`s thoughts about school
Yes I think school days should be longer.It will help us because the teacher can help us with our homework.So we wont fail in our class work.
I think that was a very hard time for the people who were involved in it. I mean even I couldn't survive and I am only 11. The kids wouldn't learn anything because the school staff wouldn't work because they wouldn't get paid . Food was very scarce back then now days people are much healthier because they have the food to keep there nutrition up and they also have medicine to keep sickness and diseases under control so everyione is living much longer lives. I like living in the generation I livie in now because I don't think I would survive the depression.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
zach`s thoughts about longer school days
i think we should have longer school days because there would be more time in class to get your school work done and more time with freinds plus more time to get ar and an A on your reportcard.
jaiden's thoughts of longer school days
School days should not be longer because you might have things go on in your family.Josh and I have basketball practice at 3:00pm.Sometimes i have things to do after school like clean my room.
School Days should not be longer
No. I do not think school days should be longer because school is about 7 hours long anyway. If we were in school longer kids would just guff of even more.
Lynda's why we should have longer days in school.
I think we should have longer school days so we can get all of are school work done.We can also spend more time with are friends. We can also get all are AR points.
Jacob should school days be longer
NO!Because we wouldn't have time for sports or to play with friends.That's why I think school days shouldn't be longer.
Kevin's thoughts on the great depression
What I think it would have been like to live during the great depression, Very hard and scary because you didn't have money to buy food and you didn't know if you would live though it and I think if my family had to live though it we would have had what we needed because we would have helped each other.
Kevin should school days be longer?
No, because I think school is long enough already we are there for over 6 hours and we need to have a break to rest our brains, plus we would have less time to do things we enjoy doing after school.
Brittany should school days be longer
NO because we should get out at are normal school day.If we did have longer school days you and your friends would not be able to have any fun.Also you would not be able to see your family very much because you would be to busy at school and you would get home late you would have eat supper then go to bed.You would have no fun.
shoud we have mor school
No becase I think we should be able to go to school in the morning and untill we get out of school at the same time we get out now. We should be able to go home and have fun. We also should be able to go to friends houes instad of go home and cook something and go to bed.
should there be more school
No becase I think we should be allowed to come home that why we can do what we can do befor we have to go to bed. We can also be allowed to go to frainds houes to have fun to instad of being in school for ever
what gavin thinks about longer school days
No I do not think school days school days should be longer. They are already very long. I like school but not that much!!!! This is what I think about longer school days. what do you think?
Chanse's School Feelings
NO! I would not like more days of school. I wish we could go longer on Mondays-Thursdays and not go to school on Friday. If we go to school more days we could not spend as much time with our family.
Chanse's Feelings of Great Depression
If I lived during the depression I would feel very sad. There would be problems with paying the bills and my family would have a tough time.
what gavin think about the great depression
I would fell bad because I wouldn't have money.I think I would probely need alot of money we hardly make it by as it is.A lot of people would be homless. this would be a defestating time to live in
If I lived in the great depression I would feel poor , my family and me would have Lot's of problems like 1.providing food for my family 2. finding a habitat 3.and transportation, and life would be different because there wouldn't be much to do and life would be difficult.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
The Great Depression
I would hate it. Getting money,food and stuff to drink. sad, mad, scared and depressed.
shayla's great feelings
I will feel bad for all those people because they have no money and if my family live there i would feel poor because no one would buy me new thing that all i have to say
The Great Depression
I would most likely hate it. My family would have had a huge problem with money. I think our lives would be different because, we wouldn't be able to have our cat or dog to make a bunch of noise in the morning.
The way I'd most likely be feeling, is sad, alone, and depressed; Family would have money problems, and hardly had the money to buy food and other necessary things; Instead of having televisions, a computer, a game system, we would only have the shirts on our backs, and maybe a place to be warm if we're that lucky enough.
Lynzees feelings about the Great Depression
If I lived during the Great Depression I would probably do anything to help my family. I would also try to help others if they needed my help I would be happy if I was helping others and try to make them happy.
Molly's Thoughts About Living During The Great Depression
If I lived during the Great Depression I feel like I ask for anything or make a Christmas List. Life might be hard because we wouldn't
as much money. Our parents say, " Moneys tight " when we want something but money was really tight back then.
as much money. Our parents say, " Moneys tight " when we want something but money was really tight back then.
Hallie Coads answers of The Great Depression
1)I would feel scared and woried. 2) It would be hard for my family because we might lose our jobs and we might lose our house and our money it would be scary.3) life would be different for me and my family because we might not have jobs and things that we need like food,money,water,and shelter during the Great Depression.And that is what i think of the Great Depression.......
Noah's Thought of Living in the Great Depression
I would be scared if I lived in the Great depression because I might starve.A problem my family might have is not much shelter clean cloths and we might go hungry.My life now is good because I have a bed,shelter,warmth,money and other nice things.
Dylan's fellings about the great depreassion
I would feel bad because people would lose there job and would not have enough money for their kids
My family probably would have lost a lot of money. Life would have been a lot for me and my family because i would have had a different because I would have a different house and a different time to live.
vivica great inp
well i think it very sad .because people did not have no money and you lost your home that very sad and i we be very mad to so that all what i have to say
Jessica's feelings about the great depression
I wouldent like to be in the grate depression i wont have any money and no food no home .
kim,s Great Depression
I would be a reeporth and my faimy would live on the money I would make and it would be hard to live because it is hard to dest money back then it is hard my kids would be good kids and I would have to work evey day for a life.
What Bethany thinks of the great depression
If I were living during the great depression Iwould feel really scared.One of my problems would probably be is that we wouldnt have enough money and we would have to life would be different because Iwould have to be home schooled and Iwouldnt make any friends.
I wouldn't like living in the depression because it would be a lot harder than my life now.My family would probaly have to do without food for a while because it would be hard.I would have to work a lot more on what I do.I think I would rather have the life I do now than in the great depression.
zach`s feelings about great depretion
I think that it is sad that every one lost there money like thay did it was realy hard on children I bet.Iwould be working a job for all day if a I had to.
I would feel it wold never end.My parents would lose their jobs.We would starve and have no shelter and might die.
I would feel it wold never end.My parents would lose their jobs.Not different than everyone else.
Hayley's Felling in the Great Depression
I would be sad because every body would lose there home and job and there money!!!!! One proulem my family would have is not having enough money or food!! we would not have any food or money so that we could live there
Makayla's Falling in the Great Deperession
I think be would be sad because every body lose they job!!!!We would live on the streets and have no money!!!!!!! We would not have money or a home to live in!!!!!!!
Breigh's Feelings of the Great Depression
I would feel sad because how hard it was on those people.Me and my family would change alot because we have never been like that.The problems we would have would be getting jobs because we would never figure out how to do that in that life.
Monday, November 2, 2009
ly thinks about the Great Depretion!!!
I think that the Great Depretions would be hard to go through at this age because we wouldn't have food,a safe place to live or even clothes to put on our backs because our parents would have probably lost there jobs and would have no money. I would feel hurt with all of the events going on around me and what i would see and experience at this age.
I would feel very very sad. The problem we might face are that we wouldn't have a house or money. We would have to walk more places.
Tristen's Great Depression
If I was in the Great Depression I would fell nervous and scared of what would happen.We wouldn't get a lot of food and nice stuff.Life would be different because we wouldn't have a ton of money or food.
How Sandra feels about the great depression
If I lived during the great depression then it wouldn't feel very nice. I wouldn't like to live during the great depression because you could lose all of your money and your jobs half to live on the streets.I would feel really upset. It would be very upsetting because your family would be in a hard situation. So as you can see I would feel just really upset.
jacobs time off great depression
1.I would feel kind of scared because somebody might try to steal the money that I would have. 2.One problem my family would be we wouldn't have much money and my parents would get laid off.
3.My families life and mine would be different because we would not have a house,we would only have enough money to afford protection,a gun and food.
3.My families life and mine would be different because we would not have a house,we would only have enough money to afford protection,a gun and food.
Branden's Feelings Great dipression
Mom and me would run out money if she lost her job. My life would be bad and would go hungry. Then I will lose my home and nice things. But luckly that never happend.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
what kaylee thinks about the great depression
It would be hard to live through the great depression.I would not have any money .I probably would not have a job.I would be very low on food.I would not be able to pay the taxes. Me and my family would try to keep food on the table but it is very hard.



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