Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Why Taylor would like a robot!!!!
YES, Because when I'm grounded and my mom wont let me have friends over to play i would be able to play with my robot instead. Also when my room is messy and I'm to lazy to clean my room, the robot could do it for me, and it could take the dog out, do dishes, take the trash out. And another reason I want a robot is so it can do all my homework so i don't get mad, confused, or upset, in case it's to hard for me or if i can't figure it out. And last but not least the reason i would want a robot is that it sounds amazing to have one to do all the work for me!!!!:^)
I would want a robot because I wouldn't have to clean my room. I would always have someone to play with. I would have it pack my suitecase!
Molly's Reason She Wants A Robot
Yes. I want a robot because sometimes when I want to go outside or play with my friends my mom want let me because my room is a mess. If I had a robot I would be able to go outside and get exercise. Also I saw on the Internet when I Goggled robots that they can play games with you and dance. They looked like a lot of fun.
Taijia's Why I Think We Should Have A Robot
Yes because they can help you in hospitals buy picking up people that you cant pick up.Also it can help around the house.They can help by doing the dishes and cleaning your room when it needs it.I think having a robot would be a wonderful thing.
Makayla's Robot Work
No because the people that do not have alot of money and are homeless can not afford it. Also people might not like the idea . The robots might be mean to people and the robots might tell the people what to do. The people that made the robots mean can control the planet.
Kliegh's oppinion about robots
Yes, because when you need help cleaning your room or doing the dishes the robot will help you clean your room and the dishes.
kayla g
yes,I would love to have a robot in my home because if i had a guset coming over i could have it clean.if i was sleeping i could have it make me brekfest.i would love to have a robot in my home.
sandra's opinion about robots in your home
My opinion about robots in homes is no because we can become lazy about cleaning our home. If there is a robot in your home you might get the idea that it will do every thing for you. The robots might not even let you go out of the house because it will want to take over your job and your life. There might be a electrical problem where it wont be able to be fixed and then what ever the robot cost that money would be down the drain. The point is that I don't think robots are a very good idea in a home because of all the problems that could happen.
Noahs Opinion about Having a Robot
I would love to have a robot. I would make it
keep my house clean. It would also keep
keep my house safe. I would
exersise so I don't get obese and slow. My
robot woubd also encurage me to stay active.
keep my house clean. It would also keep
keep my house safe. I would
exersise so I don't get obese and slow. My
robot woubd also encurage me to stay active.
Why i don't want a robot
I rather not have a robot for two reasons.One,because my children and grandchildren won't know how to clean correctly.And two,because if you have a robot you'll be lazy and might become fat.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
my opinion about robots BY HALLIE COAD
My opinion is on both sides , of having a robot in your home , and to not have a robot in your home. I think having a robot in your house would be the coolest thing ever when it comes to,cleaning your room,washing the dishes,and making your bed, and that would be the coolest thing's to not have to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!And here's my other side of the story . Also when you have a robot you become lazier and lazier everyday and then you get fat And being fat is not fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Those are the two reasons that i want a robot in my house and why i don't want one in my house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ROBOTS CAN BE THE COOLEST THINGS EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!that is my tiny article!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brittany's opinion
I don't think so because some people like to do there own work like me .Also because people would think your lazy .Last thing is because Idon't think robots would do a very good job because there like a machine.
vivica yes or no
Well i think it would be fun to have a robot in my house.But it might mess up everythings in my house.And it might do things i didn't say to do .So my answer is No
I do not want robots because they will mess up. We would be lazy if we had them too. We could use them for nurses but not to clean our room. If we made the mess we should clean it up.
I think that we shouldn't have robots because if we have them doing all of the chores and doing stuff for us then we would be laying around being lazy and what we really need to be doing is playing outside or hanging out with your friends and playing sports instead of being a slob and laying around doing nothing
Monday, April 5, 2010
shayla's thoughts about robots
NO Because it could mess up. And some people say that robots cant make mistakes. Well you no how us people make mistakes ALL OF THE TIME.But that's my oppion.
Maggie Thoughts about robots
No i dont want a robot. I dont want a robot because if it mess up it will wreck my house up.
Lynzee's opinion about robots
No, i don't think there should be robots in houses because people are already lazy without robots.So with robots people would never have to do anything like chores such as washing dishes and doing laundry.Plus robots might mess up and do things it's not supposed to do.
Heaven's opinion on having a robot in every household
I am on both sides, My opinion is a robot would make people lazy. But on the other hand robots could do your chores like the dishes and laundry.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
abbi- im not going to have a robot
you shundent have a robot because everybody would be lazy and get FAT!!!I say NO to robots because nobody would get up and be active.We all wouldn't have robots because of the poor people!!!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
why i want a robot
I want a robot because they will help you with homework. They would also make supper for you, Like if your family is coming over for supper and you dont know how to make what they want our robot could make it for you. Also if you give one to your great grandma and she falls and cant reach the phone the robot can pick her up or call you .
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Kendra-Why I Dont Want A Robot In My Home
I wouldn't like a robot in my home because we could get lazy and make our robot do everything. What if the robots went bad and started not to work then we would have to do everything ourselves and we wouldn't want to. Robots would make you so lazy that you would rely on them and it may be cool to have one but not to make it do everything for you.
Jassmine-Why I Want To Have A Robot In My Home
I would like to have a robot in my home so that I could have it clean my house while I could go out and play with my little boy or girl. Also so that I could go and shop or hang out with my friends. It said that it could NOT make mistackes. So then I wouldn't worry if it did anything wrong or not. That is why I would like to have a robot.
should we have robots THERE COMING OUT .
NO? because needs to be LAZY. It would be cool to play with it but what if tou get tired why your playing tag and you say time out will he get mad you don't know. Its cool to have some help around the house sometimes but what if he is a cleaning freak. Help around hospitals thats a good idea but what if he does your sugery NO WAY.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
NO i whould not like to have a Robot in my house because i whould be scarey because there whould be a stranger in my house and it whould do all your work when you should do it.It whould not be right if they did your work and you did not because you may get money for the chores you do and i whould not want a robot in my house and that is what i think.
what kaylee thinks about robots
I would NOT like a robot in my house!It would be SCARY!Also, the robot might clean my room and put things where they don't belong.I would not like the robot to be in my room watching me when I sleep.How would you feel if a robot started chasing you or something because it was not programed right?It would be SCARY wouldn't it?
no,I think it would be cool to have a robot in my home but I dont think I would like it. I would not like it because we will not get to do things our self.Like doing dishes,cleaning, and even more things.I dont think it would be okay for me to have a robot come in my house and cook for me and clean and stuff.It sonds nice butt I dont think I would like it.If I did have a robot in my home I would probably become lazy.This is why I would NOT want robot in my home, it would be horrifying to have a ROBOT in my house.
charles's robot thoughts
NO there will not be any robots in 15 years.because most people will not afford it.also if no one wants one than they don't have to buy it.besides if a robot messes up who knows what it cost to fix it.last we all ready have a lot of electronic stuff so who wants one.
Breigh's Robot Thoughts
I think I would like one because I don't like cleaning my room and the article said it would help you if you programed it to.Also, I'm an only child so I don't have anyone to play hide-n-go-seek and other games with and it also said you can program it to do that (and it'd be an awesome playmate at my house.)If I had my own robot it would be cool because you can pretty much program it to do anything you want it to do.It also remembers faces so it would remember everybodies face that stepped foot in my house and then when they came back it would remember them and then it won't have to try and memorize there face each an every time.
will every houshold have a robot in 15 years? marcus's thoughts
No. This will not happen. We can't even get affordable health care. When I heard this I thought about Arnold Schwarzeneger saying "if it dies it dies" because that's what is going to happen. Some rich people might afford to buy robots, but middle class citizens wont. This is so crazy, weird, and kind of far fetched. I'll bet that this never happens. If it does I will be shocked
Dalton thoughts
NO there should be a robot in every home . If there was people would get lazier and lazier each day.SO no I think there should be a robot in every home.
Kim's Robot Thoughts
No, I would not like a robot in my home. It would make people lazy if we let the robot do everything for us. When you wake up in the morning, it may scare you if it was trying to make your bed.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Bethany's opinion about if we should have have robots in our houses
I think that we should not have robots in our houses because if the robot broke down you would have to pay money to fix it. Also we shouldn't have them because they would be doing all the work while we are sitting and being lazy then we already are.
sarah's post
I would not want to have a robots in my house because i am not the type that sits around all day and whatch someone else do my work for me. I think any one should have to have a robot to do your work for you. I also think if you do your own work and claening you will get some money and then you con save your money and go to college but i do not think you should have a robot to do your work.
I would not want a robot in my home because i am NOT the type to just sit and watch a robot do all of my work. I think that any company should stop making them and destroy the ones that are already made. The reason for this is because the average american is 200-300 pounds overweight and i dont think that people need to get any more overweight. Maybe a century ago when we didnt have tv and video games an average american was about 150-170 pounds and most of that was muscle, but never fat. I would say that 1 out of 100 people were overweight. I think that technolagy has fone to far. My point is that a robot to do a humans work is not going to be good for the society.
Jacob Dawdy
Jacob Dawdy
Robots In Homes?
Yes I think we should have Robots In Homes. We should have Robots In Homes so that if we are doing hard tasks like cleaning out the basement the robot would do it for us.
gwen's decision
yes,because if i have a kid the robot could go out side and play with him or her. He or she wouldn't have to be lazy. They could do all kinds of things together like play out side,clean the yard,and things like that to be healthy and active.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Physical education
Yes, I think physcial education should be required because you have to be healthy in order to do all the extra things like spending time with friends or family and it is everywere from our school to the nursing home my mom works at she has to do PROMS (passive range of motion) on her residents and she has to walk with them so they stay active because if you stay still to long your muscles will cause a muscle contracture this is were the muscle stiffens and gets shorter and they are painful for the person that has them so she helps keep them moving even if she has to physically bend there arms legs or whatever up and down. My mom has taught me alot about physical education she wants to be a massage/physical therapist. It also gives your mind a rest from all the school work we do.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
NO! We should spend time with family and more time with the Holy Bible! and more time at home because at school we don't get no free time at school but at recess we get time but we also need rest too. That why i say no!
Monday, February 8, 2010
NO! Becuse we wouldent be able to spend time with frinds and family.Like why should we have more work it's not fair.the more work you get the harder the teachers push you.Besides to much home work the more you have the more you lose and you get warnings and detintions all at once.and it's harder to keep track of yah!I think we shouldent have much work!!!
Dylan's opion
I think we should because sme kids need extercise. Also PE is fun and we should have relays . Thats why i think we should have more PE
shelbe housman
Yes,I think there should be more P.E. Some people need all the excercise they can get.People also can chat or talk with their friends a lot more.
Molly Haskell
No! I do not think more physical education should be required. I don't like to run around unless I feel like it. I used to be in gymnastics and wanted to have gymnastics as a sport at school and I still do. I think we should not be required do more physical education unless we want to.
Maggies Post
I think there should be more P.E because there are a lot of people that need to be in the right shape
what kaylee thinks about physical education
no.I think we should not have to because some people do sports and they exercise a lot and it may be to hard on some people.
sandra's opinion about physical education
Yes! I think that we need more physical education because than you are awake. After P.E. I can think better. In my opinion I think it is fun doing races. When you do relays You get the exercise that you need. I think that doing any physical education is important for people.
Justin's opinion
I think there should be more because a lot of people need to be healthy and a lot of people are out of shape.
Kiliegh's opinion about Physical Education
I say no because when they are outside they run around and they come inside they start breathing hard and it distracts some people when they working on homework.
What Noah thinks about Physical Education
I think there should be more because some people need it. Its also good for you
Brianna's Opinion
No, I do not think we should have more physical education. Some people are not active.
Should we have physical education?
I dont think we should have p.e. that takes time out of learning.
Physical education
I think there should be more physical education because everyone is very lazy and they don`t do anything but sit around
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Taijia's Physical Education Question
I think no because if you have to do laps you will be hot all day long.Also you could have to do jumping jacks and will be sweating all day and can't concentrate in class.
I don't think we should have more P.E.
I don't think we should have more P.E because you can get stomachaches, cramps, start throwing up, and you'll be hot and sweaty during class.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Physical education
I think we should have more Physical education because kids don't really care about school work and put it off because if we had more physical education it we would need to make it more fun so kids can remember the stuff you teach us better and do homework when is needed!
physical education
I think that there should be more physical education because sometimes kids are lazy and don't get exersize and they need to get there blood flowing so yes there should be more physical education.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
abbis opinion
because sometimes we need excise. Another resin is we need to get to get are bold flowing.It is a lot esre to think when it is flowing.
because sometimes we need excise. Another resin is we need to get to get are bold flowing.It is a lot esre to think when it is flowing.
Brittany's opinion
Yes I think we should have more physial recess because so we can get more exercise .Also we should because it makes you healther .One last thing you get to get away form school work.
what gavin thinks about more physical acticity in school
yes I think kids should have more physical activity's in school some kids do not get any physical activity at home or school.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Gypsy's opinion
Yes, I think we should have more recess time because to much homework is keeping kids inside tell it's to dark to go outside and get physical exercise at home.
Why I Think We Should Have Longer PE.
Yes,I think we need more PE because we all need a lot of exercise, its fun , you get to visit your friends and you can get away from homework.
Bethany's opinion about physical EDU.
I think P.E. because we need to stay in shape and a lot of us have bad eating habits like eating junk food.
What charles thinks about more P.E
Yes I think we need more P.E because some kids just play around with white boards and board games and don't do physical stuff like basketball. So if we got more P.E then we should make it physical sports only.
more pe
Yes i think we should have more PE because some kids need more basketball skills.Also kids have some much fun playing Bord games they don't want to stop. Plus we get more homework.
More Physical Education(P.E.)?
I think we should have more Physical Education(P.E.)because kids are putting on to much weight and they need more exercise. Some good things to do for P.E. are:Dodge Ball,Basket Ball,Kick Ball, Swing,and to run or walk.I hope kids weight improves.
Yes more P.E.
Yes there should be more P.E. because now these days people don't get the excercise we need. More P.E. would give us a chance to get a break from schoolwork and we get to play.That would get us to play at home and everywhere so WE NEED MORE P.E.!
Hayley's opion
I think we should , because some kids need extercis and it is fun doing relays in the gym. that is why I think we should have more P E time
More Physical Education
Yes, School should have more Physical Education. PE , Because I think the kids in school are not getting enough PE. Kids are having to much blubber on them.
By Brandon Crum
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
shayla's oppinoin
I think yes we need more exercise. It helps you to stay healthy longer. People eat alot of fried and fatty foods that are bad for your health. And if you don't exercise your body gets stiff and it is harder to do alot of things. You are also in a better mood because you feel good about yourself.
Heaven's post
No, I don't think kids should have more P.E. because even though you may think that you can run a mile or two you might get tired and want to stop but you can get in trouble if you stop.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Shayla's thoughts about the Alaskan Iditarod!!!!
The Iditarod is a great race that is 1150 miles long.It goes over mountains through forest and frozen rivers in freezing cold weather below zero in long hours of darkness,up steep hills and not being able to see at all.This is only possible in Alaska.Each team has 12 to 16 dogs and the race last for 10 to 17 days.Film crews and magazine writers from all over the world come to see it and write about it and film it.Many different kinds of men and women join the race for many different reasons.The race is put together mostly by volunteers.
The Alaskan Iditarod is a dog sled race that lasts 8 days and 22 hours. You have to be at least 18 to enter. The prise is over 68,000 dollars!
Vivica Iditarod
In Iditarod is a dogs sled race held every March in Alaska.The 2008 Iditarod will begin on March 1 . In this race mushers ( dogs sled drivers) force their dogs to run 1,150 miles from Anchorage to Nome in 8 to 16 days over a grueling terrain. This is the approximate distance between Los Angeles and Seattle, New York City and Miami, Chicago and Houston. Mushers press their dogs to run at ever increasing speeds, so that the dogs get little rest or sleep.
Extar Credit
The Alskan Iditarod starts the first Saturday in March every year.Temperatures at there highest are 45 degrees F, and the lowest are -60 degrees F!The in the entry fee is $1,750,and you must be 18 years old to enter.The Iditarod is the longest sled race in the world it is 1,200 miles,depending on the route taken.The first race was won by Dick Wilmarthin in just over 20 days.There has been about 142 dog deaths sence the first Iditarod.
Taijia's Extra Credit
The alaskan iditarod is something where alaskan husky dogs compete aganist aother dogs and they race to keep the dogs in great shape.Also the people who own them start to walk them then in like a few minutes later the people who runs the race will tell the owners to stop walking them and get on the back of the sled and they go to the finish line and the fastest dogs win.
what i learned about the IDITAROD
I learned that it was 1,150 miles long.And they had almost every animal on the track.
Gavin's Extra Credit
Here is a video about the beginning of the Iditarod race. I think it is very good!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Sandra's fax on the Iditarod
You can't compare it to any other competitive event in the world! A race over 1150 miles of the roughest ,most beautiful terrain Mother Nature has to offer. She throws jagged mountain ranges, frozen river, dense forest, desolate tundra and miles of wind swept coast at the mushers and their dog teams. Add to that temperatures far below zero, winds that can cause a complete loss of visibility, the hazards of overflow ,long hours of darkness and treacherous climbs and side hills, and you have the Iditarod. A race extraordinaire, a race only possible in Alaska.
From Anchorage, in south central Alaska, to Nome on the western Bering sea coast, each team of 12 to 16 dogs and their musher cover over 1150 in 10 to 17 days.
It has been been called the " Last Great Race on Earth" and it has won world wide acclaim and interest. It is not just a dog sled race, it's a race in which unique men and women complete. Mushers enter from all walks of life. Fishermen, lawyers, doctors, miners, artists, natives, Canadians, Swiss, French and others; men and women each with their own story, each with their own reasons for going the distance.
From Anchorage, in south central Alaska, to Nome on the western Bering sea coast, each team of 12 to 16 dogs and their musher cover over 1150 in 10 to 17 days.
It has been been called the " Last Great Race on Earth" and it has won world wide acclaim and interest. It is not just a dog sled race, it's a race in which unique men and women complete. Mushers enter from all walks of life. Fishermen, lawyers, doctors, miners, artists, natives, Canadians, Swiss, French and others; men and women each with their own story, each with their own reasons for going the distance.
Kendra's Iditarod
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
The Alaska iditarod is also known historically as the Seward-Nome. The iditarod is a race with a sled that is being pulled across Alaska,the race is 1,150 miles of some of the most beautiful yet dangerous terrain known to man the race goes across mountain vanges frozen rivers, through dense forest. the tundra and the frozen Alaska coastline. THE coolest thing about the race is you don't use any trucks, use dogs to pull the sled,that is loaded with lots of food and clothes from Anchorage to Nome, the race 10 to 17 days to compete.
Kayla's Alaskan Iditarod
The Alaskan Iditarod was a sled dog race that was also a tradition.During the winter on 1925 something occured ,a deadly out break of diptheria in nome.The out break threatend the hole population of nome.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
JTs extra credit
I learned that the race starts in Willow and goes to Nome. It used to start in Wasilla but it moved because there was not enough snow.There is a north and south end. They use the north end on even years and the south end on odd years.they north end has 25 checkpoints and the south end has 26 checkpoints.The Iditarod is a tough race because the mushers and huskies get cold. The huskies have thick fur and the mushers wear many layers.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Kiliegh's Extra Credit
Monday, January 11, 2010
Idiitarod Facts
This year will be the 38th race. It is scheduled to start Sat. March 7th. The fastest race was 11 days, 2 hrs., 5 minutes, and 13 secs. The slowest winning time is 20 days. It has its ceremonial in Anchorage. It starts in Anchorage and ends in Nome. In 2003 it started in Fairbanks. In 1985 Libby Riddles was the first women to win.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
kayla g's post
The Iditarod Dog Sled Race
The Iditarod is a dog race that takes place every march in Alaska.It is sometimes called the "last great race".although the race is over 1,150 miles long,the race officially 1,o49 miles.The Iditarod trail goes from Anchorageto Nome.hardy sled dog pull the sled and the musher.the name for the human guiding the sled.across frozen rivers,barren tundra,and steap mountains.
the end....
The Iditarod is a dog race that takes place every march in Alaska.It is sometimes called the "last great race".although the race is over 1,150 miles long,the race officially 1,o49 miles.The Iditarod trail goes from Anchorageto Nome.hardy sled dog pull the sled and the musher.the name for the human guiding the sled.across frozen rivers,barren tundra,and steap mountains.
the end....
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Brittanys Alaskan iditarod
The Iditarod Trail soon became the major thoroughfare through Alaska for the freight mushers who occupy a special place in Alaska history.Also the Iditarod was patterned after the Alaskan sweepstakes which were races ....There were twenty serum mushers with dog teams and no dog ran over 92 miles ......The Iditarod mushers breed many dogs ,hoping to get a few who will be fast.
There are certain equipment each team must have an arctic parka,a heavy sleeping bag,an ax,snow shoes,musher food,dog food and boots for each one of the dogs feet to protect against cutting ice and hard snow packed injuries.Lance Macky was last years iditrod winner.Here are his dogs Maple,Pimp,Boycuz,Lippy,Amp,Zena,Dred,Dribble,Chucko,Lenny,Sexy,June,Big Dog,Raunchy,and,Rapper.Rapper is his favorite dog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Brittanys Alaskan iditarod
The Iditarod Trail sled Dog Race first ran to Nome in 1973 after two short races on part of the iditarod trail in 1967 and 1989.The idea of having a race over the iditarod trail was conceved by the late Dorthy .Page was chair of the wasilla knik centennial was working on a project to celelbrate Alaskas centennial year in 1967.Also Susan Butcher was a four time Iditarod trail sled Dog Race champion.
steven's iditarod
The Iditarod is a group of sled dogs that race throughout Alaska. Hundreds of mushers pay 1,750 dollars in entry fee it's a expensive fee but first place wins 50,000 dollars. The possibal tempature extremes are 45 to -60 degrees. The race is yet dangerous the end is a lake many dogs die then or fall and make it out.The race starts the first saturday of march every year.The race is dangerous but rewarding so would you race in the Iditarod?I would but after you learn the talk.Easy:slow down.Stay:go foward.Haw:left.Gee:right.:Woah:stop. That is sled dog talk.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Jaiden's Iditarod Video
Here is a video about Siberian Huskies that participate in the Alaskan Iditarod.
Monday, January 4, 2010
getting ready for the iditarod
The racers must first prepare for the race.They pack gear bags with wire,tools,and nuts and bolts for sled prepares.Snaps,patches,and needle thread for harness repairs.a saw,snowshoes,and emergency food are all loaded into the sled.Also a sleeping bag,clothes,wool mitts,and an head lamp
Dalton's Iditarod Extra Credit
Check out this video about the sweaters the dogs wear to keep warm and safe.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Breigh's Iditarod Info
The Iditarod Trail was over 1,150 miles and went over frozen rivers,dence forests,and more it holds 12-16 dogs and the only have 10-17 days to cover the 1,150 miles and it was called the "Last Great Race on Earth" and the streets were filled with people possibly 250,000.
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